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About United Way

How we make your gift count

Our Mission

United Way of Dane County engages our community, mobilizes volunteers and strengthens local nonprofits to achieve measurable results and change lives.

Our Work

Housing First
Children who come from homelessness face extraordinary educational and health challenges. By focusing on Housing First, case management, landlord/tenant connections and financial counseling and access to food, we will reduce by half the number of Dane County children in shelters by 2015.

Win a Dream Vacation

With a $25+ new donation or a $25+ increase over previous year’s donation, you will be entered to win a custom vacation package and a $1000 TASC cash card for travel expenses. 


Giving Communities

Be part of a thriving network of like-minded citizens


Young Leaders

$250 - 500

Do you want to shape the future of Dane County? United Way of Dane County’s Rosenberry Society is made up of people like you: young professionals who are motivated to effect big change in the community. Our group jump-starts your professional and philanthropic careers by connecting you with peers and community
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Key Club

Caring Community

$750 - 9,999

United Way Key Club donors are invested in their community and are actively working to improve the human condition.  Through generous Key Club gifts, we are addressing community issues at their root cause and implementing at-scale, long-lasting solutions. This legacy of generosity and leadership has produced measurable results in each of our Agenda for Change goals.
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Tocqueville Society

High Impact Investors


Do you want to shape the future of Dane County? United Way of Dane County’s Rosenberry Society is made up of people like you: young professionals who are motivated to effect big change in the community. Our group jump-starts your professional and philanthropic careers by connecting you with peers and community leaders through social, educational and service activities throughout the year. The Rosenberry Society also provides resources to help you make giving a vital and growing part of your career and life. Rosenberry Society members have helped build the philanthropic foundation for tomorrow. 
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Our Featured Program

Program 1


World-class Accountability and Oversight

of all fundraising dollars invested in programs and initiatives right here in Dane County. That’s 22.9% better than the national average.
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill

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PCI compliant and secure
We use industry-leading technology to keep your information safe. We maintain Tier 1 PCI-compliance, in accordance with the highest-level industry regulations. Your personal and banking information is safe with us. 
Donor Privacy
We don’t share your donors information with any company or individual and maintain the strict privacy standards. No unwanted phone calls, no spam, and no junk mail.